the lyre

the lyre | SCAD Studio II & III

Team: Barnes Nikhail, Clark Ethan, Gonzalez, Sofia, Litchfield, Joseph, Malley Jaden, McElwaine Fallon, Millsaps Lauren, Monroe, Mo, Williams Kate.
Professor: Cyril Guichard
Class: Studio II&III – Winter/Spring 2023
Engine: Unreal
Award: Finalist Best Trailer, Finalist Best Environment, Entelechy 2023

Genre: Third Person Adventure/Puzzle-solving


Explore the Afterlife to free your beloved from the clutches of death itself. You will have to fend off un-benevolent deities with the help of a talking Lyre – that may be more than it appears.
Solve multiple puzzles as the Musician, to meet the Goddess and plead your case.
The Lyre is a semi-open-world exploration and puzzle solving game featuring a sprawling world and gorgeous environments.

